“Create A Lifestyle.” CAL Innovation.

Huang, Chia-Wei (黃嘉偉) is my Mandarin name, usually everyone call me “Caleb”. I am not only an Industrial designer but

我不只是一位工業設計師,更是一位熱愛使用科學數據解決問題的科技狂熱者。 我擅長研究於智慧型裝置領域,針對顯示器、穿戴裝置、智慧家用產品有著很深入的著墨,將產品導入GenAI技術資源,整合軟硬體應用體驗,讓產品融入於使用者的生活每一處角落,打造更具智慧化的美好生活,創造一種獨有的生活態度。

Journal: Cal’Log

Portfolio: 🏄🏾‍♂️

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🏎️ Mission

A good mission statement is quick, short, and sticks in people's brains. What purpose are you working toward every day? Here's an example we love from Apple.

To make a contribution to the world by making tools for the mind that advance humankind.

🚀 Vision

A vision statement expresses the long-term aspiration of a company. What change do they want to make in the world? Here's Amazon's first version.

Our vision is to be earth's most customer-centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discovery anything they want to buy online.

🏦 Values

It's great to have a set of qualities that define the way you want to work. Here's an example we like from the good folks at Stripe.